The show is based on the “Origins of Love” format from the Banijay catalogue, created by a Norwegian company of this group. Its heroes will be four singles of Polish origin living in Chicago. The men are of different ages, have different professions, have different views and lifestyles, but they all share dreams of a great and true love and a strong bond and longing for Poland. Candidates selected as partners during the casting were invited to go to Chicago to meet them, see how they live, meet their family and friends and experience many romantic adventures with them.
Many surprises await Polish women looking for lovefrom American dates that you know from romantic comedies, to extraordinary experiences related to Polish nostalgia, such as walking with a child on the iconic Route 66 or learning Kujawiak abroad. Throughout the episodes, the singles will decide who they want to spend more time with, who is worth visiting in Poland and maybe start a relationship? – written in the format description.
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Filming is scheduled to last until mid-September. Narrator of the reality show “Origins of Love. “A Polish man is looking for a wife” will be Kacper Kuszewski.
“The farmer seeks a woman” is a hit on TVP1
According to preliminary plans, the program will be included in the spring schedule of Channel One. In the autumn schedule, the channel will broadcast the 11th season of the program “Farmer Wants a Woman”, and in winter TVP1 will show the seventh season of “Sanatorium of Love” – filming will begin soon. These formats are the channel’s hits.
Endemol Shine Polska also produces game shows for TVP: “Tak to lecio!”, “Bet on a Million” and the show “Wonderful Years”, which is new to Dwójka’s autumn programme.
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According to data from Nielsen Audience Measurement, in the first half of 2024, TVP1’s average minute audience was 388,147 viewers, and the audience share was 7.09%. (compared to 7.97% a year earlier).