The flood wave on the Odra River has already passed through Opole, without causing any damage to the city – reported Wody Polskie – Regional Water Management Board in Gliwice. The Żelazna polder in this city remains on standby.
As stated in the Gliwice RZGW announcement, the peak of the wave on the Oder was expected in Opole between 6 pm and 8 pm. The city was prepared for the passage of waves and high water levels. The Żelazna polder was prepared for operation, but the activation of this facility depends on the speed of the wave and its height.
According to the latest indications, from Wednesday approx. 18th, water level in the Oder in Opole-Groszowice was 660 cm – 60 cm above the alert levelbut that’s not much more compared to Monday and Tuesday’s readings. At that time, there was about 20 cm left for the water to reach the bowl via the embankment Żelazna Polder.
Waters of Odra they basically fall inter-landfill. All thanks to starting at the ideal time Racibórz Dolny Reservoirwhich intercepted the wave and flattened it measurably, absorbing approximately 147 million cubic meters. water. He also had an influence on this situation Buków Polderwhich stored more than 50 million cubic meters of water – observed Wody Polskie.
They transmitted this Raciborz Dolny continues to operate in accordance with water management instructions. Facing the reduction Odra water inletthe water level in the tank decreased automatically: at 17. its filling was approximately 129 million cubic meters. water, i.e. approx. 70 percent capacity.
Due to the reduced water supply to the reservoir, the installation’s quota is gradually decreasing. The lower outlets remain closed. The tank is functioning properly. It is constantly monitored. The employees also check the correct functioning of the control and measuring equipment and other elements of the tank – provided in the information of the Gliwice RZGW.
This unit Polish Waters however, she added that it was due to saturation Odra’s area of influence water and tension in the embankments due to their high level, the embankment bodies were raised and their sealing and addition of weight in critical locations continued.
High water level in Odra riverbed will continue in the coming days due to high water levels in the area Racibórz Dolny Reservoir and in tributaries of the Oder below the reservoir – was written in the statement. This means the so-called long wave.
Gliwice RZGW also reported that the services sealed the infiltration in the landfill Buków Polder in a 150 meter long section, filling the slope (the total length of the polder embankments is approximately 14 km). During this time, the water level in Buków Polder gradually decreased.
Polish Waters noted that embankments at several locations along the Odra River in the province were under stress due to high water levels in the Oder’s tributaries. Opole requires fortifications.
Sealing operations are continuing, among others: on the Lasaki-Poborszów section, in the town of Koźle-Rogi, where it was decided to raise the left body of the embankment and reinforce it over a length of approximately 1.6 km (however, Tuesday’s reports regarding the embankment cracking and the resulting infiltration turned out to be untrue).
The caulking also continues Bierawa-Brzeźce section (where it is necessary to raise the embankment on the right bank and reinforce it). It was also necessary to reinforce the left embankment of Odra in a section of about 200 meters upstream in the town of Narok – in the area of the Chróścice water dam. Similar activities are underway in the municipality of Dąbrowa.
Gliwice RZGW reminded about mandatory regulations temporary ban on driving on flooded embankments rivers throughout the administrative area of this unit. The ban covers all circulation on the river banks: on foot, on wheels, using any motorized vehicle – until September 20.