ONLY WITH US. Brudziński: PiS is trying to dehumanize itself


ONLY WITH US. Brudziński: PiS is trying to dehumanize itself

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There are attempts to illegalize, dehumanize and deprive the largest opposition party, PiS, of its financial resources, and that is why we must be (…) courageous and not let ourselves be intimidated,” said Joachim Brudziński, MEP for PiS, in the “Guest News Programme wPolsce24”.

Let us not allow ourselves to be convinced that the force that came to power on December 13 can terrorize free Poles and lead to a situation where we will be afraid of sweet Mr. Bodnar, who is under Tusk’s thumb, and that we will be afraid of Tusk himself.

– he turned to the Poles Joachim Brudzinski.

The PiS MP thanked everyone who took part in today’s “StopPatoAuthority” demonstration in front of the Ministry of Justice building.

READ ALSO: REPORT. “StopPatoAuthority” protest in Warsaw! Jarosław Kaczyński: All rules of a civilized state are being violated

I would like to thank everyone who came to Warsaw today, or the residents of Warsaw. We cannot bury our heads in the sand, we cannot pretend that nothing is happening in the country.

– said Brudzinski.

Today we wanted to say that free Poles will never agree to suppress their sense of freedom and civil rights. (…) Very important information – with today’s demonstration we are starting the collection of signatures against illegal migration

– he added.

Flood situation

Joachim Brudziński also spoke about the difficult flood situation in Poland and the authorities’ response to this crisis.

In the Piarist sense, of course, we will hear all sorts of arrogant announcements that they are standing firm and ready, but we will never be reminded enough of how they scoffed when we established the WOT, that it was a private army useless for anything, how those who supported the Volunteer Fire Department were ridiculed. For example, everything we have experienced in the last few months regarding the Justice Fund, and it is thousands of pumps and fire trucks that have been directed to the Volunteer Fire Department

– noted the PiS MEP. The politician praised the services fighting the disaster.

I can proudly say that when we were in power, both my predecessor Mariusz Błaszczak, my successor Mrs. Elżbieta Witek, and later Minister Mariusz Kamiński, and I personally, always defended the Polish uniform. We did not give in to any famous idiot who attacked Polish officers.

– said Brudzinski.

And how will Donald Tusk react to the current crisis?

I heard that Tusk went south, so he will probably address local government officials as he did once during the flood, probably in 2010 – “I didn’t choose your mayor, who do you blame?” I am calm when it comes to services, firefighters, army, police. As for the current government, I do not trust them at all, they are poseurs and I am convinced that sooner or later they will leave this political scene in the same environment in which they should leave, that is, as a big photo and photo montage.

– he said.


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