One Vegetable Can Help ‘Clear Fatty Liver’ and ‘Promote Weight Loss’

Victor Boolen

One Vegetable Can Help ‘Clear Fatty Liver’ and ‘Promote Weight Loss’

If you’re on a mission to improve your health, one humble vegetable can be the secret weapon in your arsenal. TikTok user @naturalmedicinehealth has revealed that this root vegetable can “cleanse your fatty liver” and help with weight loss in just “ten days”.

A mystery vegetable? It is none other than the beetroot. According to WebMD, “Full of nutrients, beets contain antioxidants like betalains, which fight cell damage and inflammation and may offer protection against cancer and heart disease.

“The health benefits of beets include increased endurance during exercise, prevention of heart disease and stroke, and lower blood pressure,” making them a valuable addition to any diet.

If you struggle with stubborn belly fat, flatulence, fatigue and upset stomach, you may be suffering from fatty liver – but fear not, beetroot is here to help. “Boats are rich in iron, which helps purify the blood. Beetroot’s phenolic acid, flavonoids and carotenoids help detoxify the liver,” the video explains.

There’s even a simple recipe you can whip up to help detox your liver. “First, take a beetroot, peel it and cut it into pieces,” the video advises.

You also need five stalks of celery, chopped into pieces. “Raw celery is full of enzymes that act as a diuretic and promote the elimination of toxins from the liver and kidneys,” it adds.

The recipe suggests “squeeze the juice of one lemon and put all the ingredients in a blender with 700ml of water”. Health guru @naturalmedicinehealth claims that if you consume this soup daily for ten days, it will detoxify your liver, promote fat loss and give you a feeling of rejuvenation.

Before starting this ten-day juice cleanse, especially for those prone to kidney stones, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional. As MedicineNet warns, “Beetroot juice is high in oxalates. These compounds, which occur naturally in urine, can increase your risk of kidney stones if you have a tendency to develop them.”

On the other hand, Perhetietopalvelu emphasizes the benefits of beetroot and states: “Beetroot is a good source of iron and folate (a naturally occurring folic acid). It also contains nitrates, betaine, magnesium and other antioxidants (especially betacyanin). Newer health claims suggest that beetroot can help lower blood pressure, to enhance performance and prevent dementia.”

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