New accusation against Donald Trump. In what case?


New accusation against Donald Trump. In what case?

The new indictment does not include allegations of trying to influence Trump, while president, in the actions of the US Department of Justice.

Nine pages shorter than the original indictment (36 pages), it focuses on testimony and evidence from mostly non-federal witnesses, such as former Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers, who allegedly came under pressure from Trump to call a special session of the House in connection with alleged voter fraud in that state.

In May, Trump also became the first former US president in history to be found guilty in a criminal case.

Donald Trump – the first president in US history against whom criminal charges are pending

The case, alleging an attempt to change the outcome of the presidential election, is one of four criminal cases brought against Trump – the first former US president in history against whom criminal proceedings are pending.

In May, Trump also became the first former US president to be found guilty in a criminal case – a New York jury found him guilty in a case of falsifying financial records, which aimed to hide the payment of money to former porn star Stormy Daniels in exchange for her remaining silent about her relationship with Trump before the 2016 election.

Trump is scheduled to hear the verdict in the latest case on September 18, although the former president has requested that the verdict be announced after the November 5 election.

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