National Prosecutor’s Dispute. The Supreme Court will decide on the status of Dariusz Barski

Regina Pierce

National Prosecutor’s Dispute. The Supreme Court will decide on the status of Dariusz Barski

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Regarding the government crisis at the Prosecutor’s Office which has been going on since last January. That’s when Dariusz Barski, a close associate of Zbigniew Ziobro, lost his post as national prosecutor. The cause is thought to be a mistake in reassigning him to the prosecutor’s office in 2022, based on regulations that no longer apply at that time. Based on the Prime Minister’s decision, Jacek Bilewicz took over Barski’s position for a short time. Currently, this function is held by Dariusz Korneluk. This decision has been questioned by some legal circles who still recognize Barski as the Head of the National Prosecutor’s Office.

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