National Electoral Commission to demand reparations from PiS


National Electoral Commission to demand reparations from PiS

Deputy Speaker of the Senate Michał Kamiński from Trzecia Droga reached the height of hypocrisy and insolence when he stated that as a result of the decision of the National Electoral Commission, PiS will have to pay… reparations.

In a torrent of accusations and escalation among politicians in the ruling coalition following the National Electoral Commission’s decision, Michał Kamiński said PiS would pay reparations for the eight years of its rule.

The National Electoral Commission, on behalf of the Polish nation, will simply demand reparations from PiS for eight years of rule, for eight years of plundering of Poland.

– he said.

This party, which legally and generously took money from the budget, is now known to have also illegally helped itself to finance the election campaign. But apart from that, it is a party that has the law and justice in its name and therefore must pay reparations for the eight years of plundering of Poland.

– added Michał Kamiński.

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