Nani and SJ Suryah’s Saripodhaa Sanivaaram Ticket revenues rose slightly on the first Sunday. On the fourth day, the film collected Rs 11.1 crore in the domestic market, according to Sacnilk’s report. Of this, Rs 1.4 crore came from Karnataka, Rs 8 crore from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Rs 1.1 crore from Tamil Nadu, Rs 10 crore from Kerala and Rs 50 crore from rest of India. So far, a total of 39.25 million rubles have been collected for the project. The film also stars Aditi Balan, Sai Kumar P, Abhirami, Murali Sharma, Priyanka Mohan, Jhansi and Supreeth. Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is running in theaters in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi languages.
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is an action thriller that tells the story of Surya (played by Nani) who struggles to contain his rage throughout the week. On her mother’s advice, she saves her anger for Saturday. Finally, on Saturdays, Surya sets out to take revenge on all the wrongdoers he has faced during the week.
Nani has promoted Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’s on his social media profiles. While sharing the third day box office of the film, Nani took to his Instagram to post a story which was originally posted by the makers of the project. According to the message Saripodhaa Sanivaaram grossed Rs 52.18 crore worldwide in three days. “Love is raining everywhere,” read Nani’s caption.
Saripodhaa SanivaaramThe production house, DVV Entertainment, recently shared a post on its official Instagram handle urging viewers to watch the film in theaters. In the campaign poster, we see Nani and SJ Suryah dressed as their characters. The caption read, “A match that will drive everyone wild. #SaripodhaaSanivaaram is a CINEMA MADNESS that can only be fully experienced on big screens. Book your tickets now! #BoxOfficeShivaThandame.”
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is directed by Vivek Athreya.