“I live in an apartment building,” one Reddit user told the social media platform. “My neighbor keeps asking for favors and I’m going crazy.”
A Reddit writer expressed guilt about saying no to such demands.
“If I say no, I feel guilty about doing them anyway,” the unhappy resident said.
“The last favor is picking up his daughter-in-law (who lives with him) from work every day.”
The exasperated resident explained how this dilemma started in the first place.
– Their car is in the shop, and her husband takes the only working car to work on the second shift when he gets off.
“He works 30 minutes away, so it’s about an hour’s drive for me. I’m friends with my neighbors, but not close enough to be guilty of this.”
Even though a demanding neighbor costs a Reddit user around £24 a week, they still feel taken advantage of.
“Not to mention, this stupid task is putting a huge dent in my day,” a Reddit user yelled.
– Last night after I left her I went to get groceries and when I got home she was already there waiting for me to get home so she could ask me to do another favor.
The frustrated neighbor added: “I don’t know what to do. Every time there’s a knock on my door I get tired because I feel like I’m being asked to do something I don’t want to do.”
One Reddit writer advised, “We all need to learn to say no. If you don’t, you’ll be taken advantage of.”
In the Reddit universe, it seems that people trying to take advantage of kindness is the norm when it comes to constantly asking for favors; do you have similar experience?