“Analysts around the world keep repeating one word: a recession is coming. What does this mean for us? It means that this situation on the capital markets and stock exchanges can also translate into the economic situation in Poland and, consequently, into the wallets of Poles,” former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said in a recording published on the X platform.
Are we ready for a financial crisis?
– asked Mateusz Morawiecki in the recording.
Shares on the Japanese stock exchange have suffered a record fall and other global stock markets are also sinking.
— observed the former prime minister.
““The recession is coming”
Analysts around the world keep repeating one word: a recession is coming. What does this mean for us? It means that this situation in the capital markets and stock exchanges can also translate into the economic situation in Poland and, consequently, into the wallets of Poles.
– emphasized Mateusz Morawiecki.
And that’s why it’s worth asking right now: what are those in power doing? When the world stopped four years ago, we launched a huge program and gave money to all the companies that saved jobs during the crisis.
– pointed out the politician.
However, in order to function efficiently, the government must work hard instead of PR. Otherwise, all Poles will contribute to this bill, at the expense of the crisis.
– admitted the former prime minister.