Monika Constant, President of ZPL: Leasing still growing at a double-digit rate


Monika Constant, President of ZPL: Leasing still growing at a double-digit rate

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You have summarized the first half of the year in the leasing market. There has been an increase of more than 10%. Is this a good result?

Very good. This is another period in which leasing is growing at a double-digit rate, so we are pleased. This means that we are responding to the needs of our customers (70 percent are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises), and they are looking positively to the future, as they need financing for their assets (fleets, machines, devices, production lines, computer equipment). This is a positive sign.

Are the machines and equipment available for rent? Economists emphasize that we are still waiting for the start of investments.

The last few quarters have been financed by consumption. Investment has slowed down and we are waiting for EU funds. Companies have been largely using up their inventories. However, there are certain assets, such as passenger cars and delivery vans, that need to be replaced continuously. We expect that in the coming quarters, entrepreneurs will be more willing to lease not only their car fleet, but also other equipment.

The industry benefited from the “Meu eletricista” project, which was suspended. How do you see this part of the market?

This is a long topic. On the one hand, we are responding to the needs of fleet electrification and emission reduction, so electric cars are becoming increasingly common and used by companies and entrepreneurs. These vehicles are still quite expensive, which is why there were subsidies. Leased vehicles benefited the most from the program. The process of obtaining such a subsidy itself is complicated and quite long. Leasing companies took on the role of intermediaries, filling out the application and guiding the customer through the entire lengthy process, shortening it to a minimum. At a certain point, leasing companies and fund distributors became victims of success. So many applications were submitted that the funds ran out. It is surprising that, knowing the pace at which the funds are being used, the Environmental Protection Bank and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW, the guarantor of the program) did not prepare and did not secure more funds. Almost overnight, customers were left without subsidies for electric cars. This will significantly slow sales for the rest of the year.

Now the topic of subsidies for electric bicycles has come up. Does the project suggest that the leasing sector will be excluded?

Yes, we are surprised. The National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund has excluded leasing as a way of financing subsidies for electric bicycles. We expect that a certain number of entrepreneurs who would like to use this financing method will be excluded. It is a bit incomprehensible to us.

What could be the role of leasing in the greening of the Polish economy?

Leasing plays an important role in the greening of the economy. Leasing is the main source of funds, for example for subsidies for “My Electrician”. Without leasing, there would be far fewer of these cars on the market. As an industry, we are aware that by financing assets we can influence customers’ decisions and encourage them to choose greener and more environmentally friendly assets. As an industry, we are no longer just financing. We take care of these assets and often put them into second circulation. We feel an increasing responsibility to keep these assets green.

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