Former director of Belsat Television Agnieszka Romaszewska commented on the material that appeared on Belarusian television about alleged irregularities and financial scandals in Polish public media, and especially Belsat Television. “Special thanks from Lukashenko and the entire Belarusian propaganda apparatus to TVP liquidator Adam Bodnar, as well as to the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!!!” – she wrote in X.
Belarusian media outlets have picked up on the narrative of the current ruling coalition and its friendly media outlets, such as Radio ZET, creating propaganda material aimed at smearing Poland.
Romaszewska bitterly stated that the illegal actions of Adam Bodnar, Foreign Ministry spokesman Paweł Wroński and the liquidators of public media outlets became grist for Alexander Lukashenko’s propaganda mill.
Special thanks from Lukashenko and the entire Belarusian propaganda apparatus to the liquidators of TVP @Adbodnar and @RzecznikMSZ!!! You really hit the nail on the head. You supplied the enemy with disinformation tanks with your own hands, discrediting the main Polish initiative aimed at the East. And here is the fruit of your efforts – impressive material on the First Channel of Belarusian TV. “Polish corruption and propaganda scandal.” Iza…