Mata’s great success. He was the first Pole in history to do so


Mata’s great success. He was the first Pole in history to do so

Mata’s great success. He was the first Pole in history to do so

Song “Lloret de Mar” It is already conquering the internet, receiving hundreds of thousands of views.

Who is behind Mata’s song “Lloret de Mar”?

The trio is responsible for producing the song’s backing track. Pedro (“I AM POJ384NY”, “Kiss cam [podryw roku]”), DKanee (“For Those Who Can’t”, “JOEY TRIBBIANI”) and a British producer Joe Stanleywho has collaborated with rappers such as Central Cee and ArrDee.

Wojciech Szczęsny in the music video for “Lloret de Mar”

The directing duo is responsible for the atmospheric clip, shot entirely in Spain Andiamowhose credits include productions such as “Nisko jest niebo” by Pezet and Kayah or “Żar” by Pro8l3mu and Brodka.

The video also featured unexpected appearances by the goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny together with Marina Luczenko-Szczesna and a Polish streamer PLKD.

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