Delhi’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Friday announced the 70th National Film Awards to celebrate the best films and cinematic achievements of 2022. A family drama among the winners Gulmoharstarring Manoj Bajpayee and Sharmila Tagore, stood out by winning the Best Hindi Film award. The film also received a special mention and was recognized for best screenplay.
Manoj Bajpayee is happy about it Gulmohara triple win at the National Film Awards. In an exclusive interview with ANI, he said, “It’s such a big achievement for the entire team and the director, whose first film won three national awards.”
Simultaneously Gulmohar is veteran actress Sharmila Tagore’s third National Film Award. In an interview with Indian Expressshe shared her joy, saying, “I’m totally lost. I was just finishing my lunch and that’s the best thing I’ve heard today.” He expressed his happiness at the warm reception of his comeback film and thanked director Rahul V. Chittella for giving him this opportunity. Sharmila previously won the National Film Awards in 1976 Mausamand in 2003 for Abar Aranye.
Directed by Rahul V Chitte, Gulmohar revolves around the multi-generational Batra family who all move out of their family home of 34 years in Gulmohar and how this change in their lives is a rediscovery of the bonds that have held them together as a family with secrets and secrets. uncertainty.
Except GulmoharMalayalam movie Kadhikan, Ponniyin Selva part 1, and Sanjoy Salil Chowdhury also received a special mention.
The jury for the 70th National Film Awards included Rahul Rawail as the Chairman of the Film Jury, Nila Madhab Panda as the Chairman of the Non-Feature Film Jury and Gangadhar Mudalair as the Chairman of the Best Film Jury.