In October last year Krzysztof Stanowski announced that he was leaving Kanał Sportowy. A few months later, his new project – Kanal Zero – was launched. Only two formats are broadcast on this channel, which previously also appeared on KS. One of them is “Jornalístico Zero”, in which Stanowski himself appears.
Krzysztof Stanowski changed his well-known format to Kanał Zero
On both channels, the journalist discusses showbiz, celebrities, politics, media and social issues. The Sportowy channel broadcast 59 episodes of “Dziennikarski Zero”. The video “Bollywood Zero: Natalia Janoszek” has the most views. The End” – 11 million views.
In total, the videos in this series have so far provided KS with 76 million views, which gives an average of PLN 1.3 million per material. The least watched films grossed about 300-400 thousand. (for example, “Zero Journalism #18 – the degenerate Zlatan, the stake and censorship in the Netherlands” – 360 thousand or “Zero Journalism #13 – media without choice, Netflix without meaning” – 318 thousand).
Read also: Jan Lorenc leaves KZ
To date, seven articles from the “Zero Journalism” series have been published on Canal Zero. The recordings have even better results than those of Canal Sport. On average, there are 1.6 million views per episode, five of the seven have already surpassed at least one million views, and the worst results reach 600-700 thousand. (“PKP Cargo, or how a great company was massacred” and “Espionage, politics and critical errors”). However, these are still relatively new films, from the last few weeks, which could garner even more views in the coming months.
Better results in the new design
So far, none of the films in this Channel Zero series have come close to the KS record about Natalia Janoszek. The most popular “Journalistic Zero” on Stanowski’s new channel has 3.8 million (“The Whole Truth About Derpienski”). However, the latest video about the Mad Reporter has already collected 2.2 million in just six days.
In June this year, we described the results of the second format transferred from the Sportowy Channel to Channel Zero – “Mazurek i Stanowski”. This program also contributes to a better visualization of the journalist’s new venture. Channel Zero currently has 1.24 million subscribers, and more than 1,200 videos have generated 240 million views for the project.