Krzysztof Bosak: The government has a lot to hide

Regina Pierce

Krzysztof Bosak: The government has a lot to hide

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“Yesterday’s debate lasted for hours. All this tired the audience so that we did not ask about important facts – said Krzysztof Bosak, a member of the Confederation parliament, deputy chairman of the Sejm conversation in the Morning on RMF FM. As he added, the Prime Minister avoided mentioning the reasons for the lack of preparation for the flood. “In my opinion, the headquarters is a PR operation aimed at a marketing effect,” Bosak concluded.

As Krzysztof Bosak, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm, said in a Morning interview on RMF FM, yesterday’s campaign was a PR operation – “calculated for marketing effect”.

Yesterday’s debate went on for hours. All this was to tire the audience out so we wouldn’t ask about the important facts. – added Krzysztof Bosak.

Guest Robert Mazurek added that The prime minister avoided naming those responsible for the lack of preparation. The reality is that local government officials were caught completely by surprise by the impending flood.

Article is being updated.

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