KRRiT Hanna Karp Academy of Social Culture and Media in Toruń TikTok Instagram Facebook selfie


KRRiT Hanna Karp Academy of Social Culture and Media in Toruń TikTok Instagram Facebook selfie

Hanna Karp holds a doctorate in theological sciences with a specialization in religious studies from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. She also completed doctoral studies in Muenster, the University of Westphalia and Trier; postgraduate studies in journalism at the Pontifical Academy of Theology in Krakow. She obtained her habilitation diploma (2019) from the John Paul II University in Krakow. She has published numerous works on contemporary esotericism, religious movements and media studies, including: on the media of the Polish People’s Republic and communist censorship.

Since 2005, Ph.D. Hanna Karp has been associated with the Academy of Social and Media Culture in Toruń. In the years 2016-2022 she was an expert of the National Broadcasting Council. Based on her analysis, in December 2017, the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council imposed a record fine of PLN 1.48 million on TVN for covering the parliamentary protest in mid-December 2016. After a wave of criticism, the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council withdrew the penalty a month later. In October 2022, President Andrzej Duda appointed Dr. Karp as a member of the National Broadcasting Council.

“Programmed platforms like TikTok directly lead to mental disorders”

In her report, Dr. ha. Hanna Karp not only shows how to make money on social media, but also focuses on its negative side. For example, the possibility of addiction or depression. – Researchers confirm that programmed platforms like TikTok directly lead to mental disorders, especially in children and adolescents, but not only in them. A behavioral disorder is the beginning of a pathology resulting from the uncontrolled use of applications. Other disorders include body dysmorphophobia, which is the obsessive pursuit of body ugliness.more precisely, asymmetry – argues a member of the National Broadcasting Council.

According to Dr. Karp, the “selfie” culture is also problematic, occurring, among others, on Instagram or TikTok. – The science of the psychological consequences of the presence of machines in human life, called euthyphronology, underlines the fact that new technologies can bring with them a particularly intense loss of the basic axiology characteristic of Western culture, built on Christian ethics. There is no place for good and evil in basic computational logic, where so-called unethical thinking dominates. There are no good or bad goals; the basic measure of digital technologies is effectiveness. The “selfie” culture that accompanies digital media users, in turn, favors the awakening of their narcissistic traits. Narcissistic disorder affects not only individuals but also numerous social structures, including various organizations and institutions.that over time infect the entire culture that rewards and cultivates narcissistic character traits – notes Dr. Carpa.

See also: KRRiT collected PLN 10,000 fine from a YouTuber

A member of the National Broadcasting Council gives examples of influencers and YouTubers who struggle with the effects of addiction. Not only through their social media activities, but also through cocaine, marijuana and alcohol. – During the decline period, which was also the height of their success and when “weed was no longer in fashion”, Jan S. indulged in extravagant shopping sprees. Then they stopped worrying about their reach, they stopped caring about anything, and it was just about keeping up appearances. Eventually, there were manic-depressive episodes, psychosis and attempted suicide. But it turns out that most Internet creators “take drugs and are under the care of a psychiatrist”. Because cocaine, an influential drug, which also appeared, means parties and entry into the world of cocaine. And “at parties, everyone treats everyone like an object, people start relationships for money and break up for money,” writes Dr. Hanna Karp, quoting influencer Jan S.

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