Khushi Kapoor welcomes September with a special post. The actress has posted a carousel on Instagram with her August photo shoot. It was the first frame that caught our undivided attention. The picture was of a girls’ day out where Khushi was hanging out with her BFFs – Kareema Barry, Aaliyah Kashyap, Muskan Chanana and Sakshi Shivdasan. All five of them looked adorable as they posed for the groufie. Next, Khushi shared a mirror selfie and we couldn’t help but notice her gorgeous camera cover with a little space for lip gloss – a total game changer! There was also a video of Khushi and Muskan spending quality time together. After that we saw the actor playing with his pet dogs. The last slide has a flashback of little Khushi, her face smeared with chocolate.
In her caption, Khushi Kapoor simply wrote ‘August’ and dropped a white heart. Responding to the message, Aaliyah Kashyap said, “Mochuuuu baby.” Kareema Barry posted red hearts. Muskan Chanana commented, “Ily.”
Khushi Kapoor, Muskan Chanana and Aaliyah Kashyap are setting friendship goals like never before. In July, Muskan uploaded a video where the trio were joined by Khushi’s rumored beau Vedang Raina and Aaliyah’s fiancé, American entrepreneur Shane Gregoire. In the clip, they reenact the TV series Kardashians Spoof’s the famous “orange soda” scene.
Muskan, who plays Kim, says, “You should get the orange drink. It’s amazing.” Khushi, as Kourtney takes the roles of servants, asks, “Orange soda, please.” Khushi, who quickly changes her mind, says, “I have strawberry soda.” Aaliyah, playing Khloe, adds, “Me too. Strawberry soda.” At the end, Muskan delivers the viral dialogue: “I’m so upset and betrayed right now.”
“A story of betrayal,” reads the text attached to the message.
On the work front, Khushi Kapoor was last seen The Archies. He will appear next Naadaniya.