Juliana Paiva almost gave up on her acting career: “I pretended not to notice” |

Regina Pierce

Juliana Paiva almost gave up on her acting career: “I pretended not to notice” |
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Actress Juliana Paivacurrently in a soap opera “Family is everything” and preparing for the series premiere “Clothes”he almost gave up his career. He said that there is so much ego in the art world that it really affected him when he was young. “There is an arrogance in our midst that, when you are young, is more difficult to overcome”he said in an interview with Caras magazine.

Juliana Paiva almost gave up her acting career: "I pretended not to see"Juliana Paiva almost gave up on her acting career: “I pretended not to notice” |

(Photo: Globo/Manoella Mello)

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In the report, he said that he noticed his co-workers felt uncomfortable when he received additional scenes, for example. The constant competitive climate hurt him. “I thought: ‘Do I want to go through this? Is it like that?’. [Mas] Thank goodness it’s not like that. We meet good people who reach out to you, are excited about your success, and understand that there is room for everyone.”score. He is now 31 years old and feels more mature in facing the burdens of his profession.

“I met people who inspired me and I understand that you can be happy in this environment, although yes, let’s not pretend that ego doesn’t exist. But we choose our vibration points. There are things we pretend not to see, we follow the dance and focus on you and how you can develop as a professional. I put my energy where I know there is growth, where there are good things for me, for those with me, and for the work I will do,” he concluded.

Juliana Paiva almost gave up her acting career: "I pretended not to see"Juliana Paiva almost gave up her acting career: "I pretended not to see"

(Photo: Globo/ Beatriz Damy)

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