“The regulation on catechesis will not be suspended after its appeal by the first president of the Supreme Court,” Joanna Mucha, deputy minister of national education, MP for Poland 2050, said on RMF FM. The politician also spoke about the financing of catechists.
The Deputy Minister of National Education stated that the government has no intention of taking into account any decisions of the Constitutional Court regarding religious education in schools. It is recalled that the First President of the Supreme Court, Małgorzata Manowska, appealed to the Constitutional Court against the July regulation of the Ministry of National Education
As for my opinion, we should not take their voice into account. This Court is discredited. Whatever the rules of the Constitutional Court, these rules will be maintained.
she said.
READ MORE: https://wpolityce.pl/polityka/703809-i-prezes-sn-zaskarzyla-do-tk-przepisy-nowackiej-ws-religii
MP Mucha stressed that despite this request, the ministry has no intention of withdrawing the regulation.
The regulations on catechesis will not be suspended following an appeal by the first president of the Supreme Court. The regulations already introduced will continue to apply, which means that we have made it possible to combine classes. These are classes in which fewer than 7 students decide to take part in religion classes. You can then combine branches
– she added.
Total classes
According to the regulations, school management will be able to combine classes of different age groups during religion classes. Mucha downplayed this problem.
It is possible to combine grades 1-3, 4-6 and 7-8, they are similar age groups. There are many educational examples that connect students from different grades. I do not believe that religion should be taught in such a way that the implementation of any part of the curriculum determines the transition to subsequent educational stages. I am convinced that children in grades 1, 2 and 3 can easily follow the same religious program.
– she said.
“This is the problem of the Church”
The deputy minister also referred to the problem of the loss of jobs of catechists, who will have fewer teaching hours as a result of the regulation. The deputy stated that this was a problem for the Church and not for the ministry.
Hundreds of millions of zlotys flow from the Polish state to the Church (…). The work of a catechist consists of two parts: the first part is working with children at school, and the second is working with children in church – for example, during preparation for the sacraments. Often there is more of the latter, but it is not rewarded in any way. Therefore, if the Catholic Church supports catechists, I suggest: pay them for the work they do and then demand something from us.
– she added.
As you can see, Joanna Mucha serves the regular repertoire of the December 13 Coalition. This is just a small contribution to the devastation of the Polish state.
– This is the language of the Minister of Education?! Nowacka arrogantly and ideologically about the Church: “Howling for money, the tap was simply turned off”
— An important vote! Appeal from the participants of the 7th World Congress of Polish Families! They have appealed to the Polish authorities regarding religious education in schools