Iwona Radziszewska heads marketing and communications at a state-owned company


Iwona Radziszewska heads marketing and communications at a state-owned company

Iwona Radziszewska In Polish Security Printing Works is responsible for the marketing and internal communication strategy. The aim is to rebuild the company’s reputation after the image crisis related to the allegations revealed in May this year. increases for the board of directors.

Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych is a state-owned enterprise subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. It deals with the security of documents and securities, being responsible, among others, for the production of banknotes, passports, identity cards and postage stamps. Since January this year, the chairman of PWPW is Marcin Wojdat, from 2006 to 2021 associated with the local government of Warsaw, where he served as city secretary, and from 2021 to 2023 with the company Gemius.

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Previously, Iwona Radziszewska was the communications director of the CEC Group agency for several months. In recent years, she has run her own training company, Brain Institute, and before that she was involved in the media for many years.

In the years 2011-16 she worked on Polish television, among others as co-host of “Pytanie na breakfast” on TVP2, presenter of “Panorama Dnia” and “Destined for Success” on TVP Info and “Coffee or Tea?” on TVP1. Previously, she was associated with the TVN group (including as head of TVN Style and presenter of “Fakty” TVN), and also worked as an advisor to the minister, head of the information department and spokesperson for the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

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