Intersection or gaps in teeth, Daily Junge Welt, September 10, 2024

Bobby Cirus

Intersection or gaps in teeth, Daily Junge Welt, September 10, 2024

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Töle seeks contact with leash holders and legs when making election decisions (Eisenach, 1 September 2024)

The doctor’s patient: “Doctor, my tooth hurts.” The answer: “Have you always had a good time?” Not fun: According to the plan of the Federal Social Security Agency (BAS), the distribution of the insured’s contributions will be as follows: For health insurance companies, too, regional voter turnout will play an important role in the future. If fewer people vote in the national referendum in 2021, then funding for general health care will also decrease. What seems like a bad joke is actually taken seriously and is causing a stir, especially in Saxony-Anhalt. The regional AOK already sounded the alarm last week. Since then, the state’s coffers have lost around 50 million euros.

Magdeburger The voice of the people Last Wednesday, the federal authorities were asked for clarification and feedback was received. “As can be seen, voter turnout is statistically significantly related to over- and under-representation at the local level.” The choice of criteria is the result of a complex process and is derived from the recommendations of the scientific advisory committee advised by the BAS. However, the same comments were also made by the SPD-led Ministry of Social Affairs and the FDP delegation in the state parliaments, and the commission recommended that the factor not be included in the early stages of the funding allocation due to legal issues. There was also criticism from the conservatives, led by Reiner Haseloff, who is in the government. CDU MP Tobias Krull warned that the proposed amounts could be increased or even cut, because voluntary services such as teeth cleaning or school courses could soon be at risk. The plan is “beyond comprehensible.”

The reason for the discontent in the eastern part of the country is that the turnout was only 67.9%, compared to 76.4% nationwide three years ago, and the population is tired of voting. Therefore, they will be the big losers when the health fund is allocated based on the so-called risk equalization (RSA). The RSA is actually intended to prevent health insurance companies from being financially disadvantaged due to poor insurance structures. In other words, the number of people who are increasingly older and have pre-existing conditions is increasing. In 2021, the regulations will also take into account non-health-related characteristics, such as mortality costs and the number of small and medium-sized enterprises. The question of whether voters will participate is currently set out in the BAS concept document and will be decided on September 30.

“You can shake your head in amazement at the bizarre idea that health policy is proposing to curb the absurd hypercompetition between health insurance companies,” Kathrin Vogler, health policy spokeswoman for the Bundestag group Die Linke, said on Monday. It’s the exact opposite. “People affected by poverty vote less often, but they get sick more often and more seriously,” she said. young world. Vogler emphasized: “We need a fundamental change away from a profit-driven health care system. And political guidelines certainly have no place at the RSH.” Indeed, this process is already being discussed in right-wing populist channels as a punishment for unacceptable civic behavior.

As follows The voice of the people Characteristics that are clearly related to health, such as case numbers for “inpatient care” or “patients in need of care”, should be removed from the RSA catalogue. However, the AOK spokesperson suggested that the Ministry of Health focus more on vulnerable groups, such as “those who are exempt from additional payments or who receive civil benefits”. In January, North Rhine-Westphalia Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) called for a reorganization in a letter to Federal Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD). Apparently, this has not happened until today.

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