In Maikop, the road in the area of ​​the Gaverdovsky farm will be completed by the end of the year


In Maikop, the road in the area of ​​the Gaverdovsky farm will be completed by the end of the year

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The head of the Republic of Adygea, Murat Kumpilov, said that the section of the highway in the western part of the city, at the exit to Gaverdovsky, will be completed by the end of the year.

The road will be widened to four lanes. All utilities have already been moved and street lighting poles have been installed. Asphalt is currently being laid and sidewalks are being built. This section of the road is also one of the entrances to the capital of the republic, Kumpilov said.

Earlier we reported that in the village of Zapadny in the capital of Adygea, road workers are bringing the section of Yubileinaya Street up to federal standards. According to the national project “Safe and Quality Roads”, specialists are renovating the almost 900-meter-long road from Lugovaya Street to Herzen Street.

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