Ileana D’Cruz and Michael Dolan’s son Koa turns one.  Check out the Aww adorable birthday pictures

Victor Boolen

Ileana D’Cruz and Michael Dolan’s son Koa turns one. Check out the Aww adorable birthday pictures

Ileana D’Cruz and Michael Dolan’s son Koa turns one.  Check out the Aww adorable birthday pictures

New Delhi:

It’s celebration time for Ileana D’Cruz as her baby boy Koa Phoenix Dolan turned one. On Tuesday, Ileana shared a series of photos from Koa’s birthday party and they are absolutely adorable. With one click, Koa can be seen eating a large piece of chocolate cake. On the slide, he can be seen carrying a bag. In other pictures, the toddler can be seen sleeping and reading a book. The album also features a perfect family frame with Ileana, husband Michael Dolan and Koa posing. Sharing the pictures, Ileana wrote, “Where did the time go? My baby is just 1 year old.” Look:

Ileana loves to share Koa’s pictures on her Instagram feed regularly. Last month, the actor shared a few pictures of Koa from a recent vacation. In the first two frames, we see Koa playing on the grass. Next, we are treated to pictures of the beautiful sea and beach. After that we see Ileana standing next to the window. In her caption, Ileana wrote: “Rhody’s summer dream.” Look:

Prior to this, Ileana D’Cruz shared a post containing a montage of photos and videos with Koa Phoenix Dolan. In the video, we see Koa playing in the sand, enjoying the pool and lying in his mother’s arms. A side note read “Life Lately.”

Announcing the birth of her child on Instagram, Ileana D’Cruz wrote: “No words can explain how happy we are to welcome our darling son into the world. Hearts are full.” Look:

In a recent interview with India Today, Ileana D’Cruz has officially confirmed her marriage with Michael Dolan. During the chat, he described her as his pillar of support. Ileana D’Cruz said: “Married life is going beautifully. It’s really hard to say what I love most about him. I really have to think because I feel like every time I come up with an answer, there’s something else, , you know, it beats it the next day.”

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