“You have to show that you stand up for values and follow this line of compromise, because you cannot give satisfaction to these haters,” said Oskar Szafarowicz, a guest on the Telewizja news service wPolsce24.
In a conversation with editor Bartosz Łyżwiński, Szafarowicz reported on today’s vulgar attack on one of Warsaw’s streets, where a young PiS activist was insulted and assaulted by an unknown perpetrator.
Szafarowicz said he was approached in one of the small shops in Saska Kępa, where the attacker addressed him with vulgar words, knowing full well that he was an activist of the Law and Justice youth wing.
Then, as Szafarowicz left the store, a man came up to him on a bicycle and physically attacked him, punching and kicking him. Random people who associated Szafarowicz with his political activity came to the young politician’s defense.
After walking 50 meters [napastnik] he caught up with me, got off the bike and first I felt him pulling me from behind, some blows to my back, people started to react […] he kicked me really hard
– said Szafarowicz on Telewizja wPolsce24.
The activist further added that, in his opinion, the situation was caused by the spread of hate speech against the right, which once found its tragic outlet in the case of the murder of the deceased Marek Rosiak.
Seeing the scale of hatred and contempt generated by the right wing, I fear that another “Cyba” is unfortunately just around the corner.
– assessed Oskar Szafarowicz.
Incitement to hatred
Ed. Łyżwiński asked his guest if he had ever experienced a moment when he was fed up with dealing with politics and hatred.
There were times when my parents were attacked indiscriminately and threats were made. That is always what hurts the most. (…) However, when I am attacked – even physically – like today, of course I had a moment of crisis, but I thought it was even more necessary to show that I am faithful to the values, I maintain this line of commitment, because you cannot give satisfaction to these haters, who seem to have internalized the eight stars that scream
– replied Oskar Szafarowicz.
In your opinion, the left-liberal media bears a great deal of responsibility for fueling the spiral of political hatred in Poland.
In my opinion, all this is, unfortunately, created by the left-liberal media, by these pseudo-authorities and politicians, because if they have nothing substantive to propose and the only program is the destruction and collapse of the Polish state, then they must program these people to hate, to destroy.
– said Szafarowicz.
Of course they want to destroy activists like me, intimidate us, oppress us, intimidate the families of activists and even physically eliminate us. Unfortunately, it is their guru, like Donald Tusk, who sends the message that politics can only be conducted through hatred.
– he added.
The full conversation is available on Telewizja wPolsce24.
— Young PiS activist Oskar Szafarowicz attacked on the street! “He pulled me, punched me, kicked me and was preparing his fists for more blows”