HP Victus Special Edition laptops were launched in India by the consumer technology brand on Tuesday. The company said the special edition laptops have been launched with students in mind and are expected to offer high-end performance and gaming capabilities. The company has collaborated with Nvidia to include Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050A graphics card with 4GB of video RAM in the laptops. The company is also offering free access to HP Gaming Garage, as well as an online professional certification program in esports management and game development.
HP Victus Special Edition Laptop Price in India
The price of the new HP Victus laptop in India starts at Rs 65,999. There are several different models available with different specifications, but the company has not announced the specific models. The laptop is available in a single colour, Atmospheric Blue. It can be purchased from the company’s website, offline stores, and other major outlets.
Additionally, consumers will also have the option to purchase the HyperX Cloud Stinger 2 headset at a price of Rs 6,097 for Rs 499 as a special offer. This offer is only available at all the above-mentioned retail outlets.
HP Victus Special Edition Specifications
The HP Victus Special Edition laptop is basically a repackaged version of the HP Victus 16. It features a 15.6-inch Full HD display with a 144Hz refresh rate. It is powered by 12th generation Intel Core processors along with an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3050A GPU with 4GB of VRAM. The laptop comes with up to 16GB of RAM and multiple storage options.
According to the company, the collaboration with Nvidia and the addition of a dedicated GPU will allow users to take advantage of ray tracing capabilities while gaming. The GPU also allows users to easily use AI features or run AI models on the device.
The HP Victus laptop for students is powered by a 70Whr battery. It weighs 2.29kg and has a full-size backlit keyboard with a numeric keypad. The company says the laptop is equipped with Omen’s Tempest Cooling solution, as well as an IR thermoelectric sensor for thermal management.
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