While it is common to refrigerate onions, there is a better way to make them last longer that many people don’t know about.
It might seem like common sense to put all your vegetables in the fridge, especially in the summer when the weather warms up, but it’s actually not one of the recommended places to store onions and garlic.
Storing onions in the refrigerator exposes them to moisture and cold, which turns the starch in the onion into sugar, causing the onions to soften and spoil.
According to Bon Appétit, moisture and light can cause onions to mold and sprout, so it’s best to store them in a dry, well-ventilated basket, trash can, or large bowl.
They recommend keeping the bulbs out of direct sunlight and in a cool, but not frost-free, place with good air circulation.
Recipe developer Sarah Jampel says she keeps her onions in a cupboard with baking dishes, but hopes to eventually store them in boxes in the garage or basement.
He also advises to keep onions away from potatoes, as the proximity can cause the potatoes to rot.
Shop Food Waste recommends removing the onions from all the plastic bags they were purchased in, as trapped moisture can cause spoilage.
Instead, they recommend using a mesh or mesh bag to improve airflow, or using a perforated basket or trash can. If you don’t have these items, old tights can be reused.
Place the bulbs on one leg, tie a knot on top of each and repeat until the leg is full. With this method, tights can be easily hung for storage.
Onions can be stored for up to a year if they are stored at a temperature of -1-10 degrees.
Otherwise, they usually stay fresh for several weeks. However, not all types of onions or alliums should be stored in the same way.
For example, spring onions, sweet onions, leeks, garlic and chives should be stored in the refrigerator.
Experts recommend that anything that comes in a bunch, such as spring onions, be wrapped in a damp paper towel and placed in a bag or airtight container for optimal freshness.