How to repel pigeons quickly and permanently with garden plants, experts claim to hate

Victor Boolen

How to repel pigeons quickly and permanently with garden plants, experts claim to hate

Pigeons are very adaptable birds that can live in different environments in their home. These birds, which live in large groups, nest all year round and prefer rocks and similar structures for their nests.

Pigeons tend to get a lot of hate in part due to their habit of piling up on sidewalks and leaving their droppings on public property, not to mention the chaos they can cause in gardens.

Their diet, which consists mainly of seeds, grains and other plant material, often sees them roaming gardens in search of food scraps.

Although they may appear as pests, there is a way to keep them at bay without causing any harm and you can continue to enjoy their delightful chirping in peace.

Fortunately, some of the world’s most beloved plants emit odors that pigeons can’t tolerate, even though we humans find them delightful.

Peppermint, calendula, and lavender are not only a humane way to scare away these birds, but they also add color to any outdoor space.

The pest control experts at Hawkeye Bird Control confirm that these three bird-repelling plants create an environment they “hate” to send them “for good.”

Scents are considered one of the most effective deterrents for pigeons, as these birds are notoriously sensitive to odors.

They said: “Birds tend to dislike the strong scents produced by these plants, making them less likely to settle in the area.”

Although the strong aromas of these plants may frighten these birds, the calming properties of lavender and peppermint are often used in aromatherapy.

Gardeners use marigolds primarily to deter insects from eating edibles, but they can also deter various bird species from invading the landscape.

According to Martha Stewart’s website, pigeons, which tend to favor cabbage family plants, are likely to avoid a food source if they find it surrounded by marigold flowers.

Experts have emphasized the importance of maintaining a clean and well-maintained property to ensure the long-term effectiveness of repellants.

“Regular cleaning of food waste and removal of pigeon droppings can significantly reduce the return of pigeons,” they advise.

However, if infestations persist, it may be necessary to consult a professional pest control specialist for more effective solutions.

Gardening experts at Sefton Meadows Garden Center also recommend planting white flowers such as roses, hydrangeas and petunias to repel pigeons and create a peaceful environment in your garden.

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