How to remove tea and coffee stains from mugs without scrubbing

Victor Boolen

How to remove tea and coffee stains from mugs without scrubbing

If you have a favorite mug, you may have noticed that they often end up with dark brown rings that are incredibly difficult to remove no matter how much you scrub at it.

These brown stains are a natural plant compound called tannins, found in tea and coffee, which gives the drink its distinct taste.

Tannin is harmless, but stains are stubborn because they bind to the surface of the mug, and the excess builds up to form a sticky residue on the mug, affecting the taste of your hot drinks.

However, cleaning expert and founder of Snail Pace Transformations, Victoria, has a quick and easy way to remove these mug stains so you have a ‘sparkling clean cup’ again.

Victoria said: “Removing these coffee and tea stains is simple and requires ingredients that 99.9% of homes currently have in their cupboards. Not that I’ve done an official survey or anything, but I know these ingredients are familiar to almost every household.

What to use to get rid of mug stains

The best tool for breaking down mug stains is white vinegar because it contains acetic acid, which breaks down the tannin as it binds to the surface through chemical bonds.

The acidity of the vinegar helps to loosen and clean the stains, which can then simply be wiped away without scrubbing.

Victoria said: “To remove a small stain, all you need is baking soda and washing-up liquid. However, when you’ve allowed tea and coffee stains to fester, it helps to add a little vinegar.”

Detergent contains surfactants that penetrate deep into surfaces and remove stains, and baking soda is abrasive, so it can physically rub away the tannin without scratching the surface of the mug.

How to get rid of mug stains

All you need to do is add one tablespoon of baking soda, a few drops of dish soap and a few drops of white vinegar to a dirty mug.

Take the stained mug to your sink and fill it halfway with warm water from the tap.

Wait a few seconds, then wipe the edges of the mug with a clean cloth.

The mug should now be completely spotless and spotless again.

Victoria said: “In less than 30 seconds your mug will be sparkling clean.”

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