How did the deer’s roar prevent a wild party in the middle of the forest?

Victor Boolen

How did the deer’s roar prevent a wild party in the middle of the forest?

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The gendarmes of Aisne (Hauts-de-France) intervened to prevent festival-goers from settling in the Ritz Forest, under the pretext that they had to preserve the deer during the breeding season.

The tranquility of the Retz Forest, a haven of peace suitable for breeding deer, in the middle of the “slowdown” period of early autumn, is almost disturbed by the arrival of festival-goers determined to throw a wild party there. The story, he told it LeonionIt takes an unexpected turn when the bellowing of the deer itself invites exchanges between the gendarmes and the thirty people who began to settle down on Saturday evening in the province of Coyol, near Villers-Couterets (Essen).

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According to police, the music from the speakers at the rave risked disturbing the animals, an argument clearly received by festival-goers who decided to pack up and abandon their rave venture, at least in this sector of town. Ritz Forest. The Federation points out that this type of event is not uncommon in this province of Koyol. 3 years ago, 150 people participated in a free concert in this forest.

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