Horrific knife attack in Żnin. 52-year-old man is dead


Horrific knife attack in Żnin. 52-year-old man is dead

As reported by TVP 3 Bydgoszcz, immediately after receiving a report about a man lying on the street with a stab wound, the police officer on duty in Znin sent a patrol to the scene.

Knife attack in Żnin

The police confirmed the information about the incident and started rescue operations. As he says asp. Michał Robakowski from the District Police Headquarters in Żnin, during the activities at the site, a 42-year-old man suspected of committing a crime handed himself over to the police. The man admitted to the knife attack.

The man is dead

As a result of this brutal attack A 52-year-old man died. The police are leading investigationaccurately explain the circumstances of the tragedy and the motives of the perpetrator.

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