He discovers men hiding in his truck trying to tow it, so he traps them and alerts the police

Victor Boolen

He discovers men hiding in his truck trying to tow it, so he traps them and alerts the police

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A truck driver trapped two men while they were pulling his car’s fuel tank. The driver locked them and handed them over to the police.

They thought they had the freedom to do so and took advantage of the driver’s sleep to pull the fuel tank into his truck. This was without relying on the driver’s alertness and composure. The story he tells Western FranceThe two thieves are arrested.

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The events took place in Saint-Herblain, near Nantes, on Tuesday 1 October, at 2:30 am. The truck equipped with a trailer was parked on the side of the road, and its driver was asleep, when two people broke into its trailer with the aim of stealing fuel from the vehicle.

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After being awakened by the noise, he came face to face with the robbers and decided to lock them in his trailer to turn them over to the police. She quickly arrived at the location and interrogated the individuals, two men aged 19 and 23, according to Western France. According to our colleagues, eight gasoline cans were found near the truck.

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