Guillermo Sesma denounces alleged extortion ring at FGJCDMX

Regina Pierce

Guillermo Sesma denounces alleged extortion ring at FGJCDMX

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Responding to the allegations, Guillermo Sesma He described his ex-wife’s remarks as “blasphemous” Regina Seemanand accused her of hiding her children from him for 93 days in the United States.

“I fought for a year in the United States Court, where Regina made similar allegations that were denied by the Court itself. He, under oath, said that I was a good father.that I have never violated her or my children and that I fulfill my obligations,” said Guillermo Sesma in a video via his X account.

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He indicated that he sold his house and He gave all his possessions to his ex-wife. to let him see his children. “In the United States, before the Court, we signed a cohabitation agreement, after a year and a half he violated that agreement and again forbade me, with lies, to see my children.”

He reported that together with his lawyers, they had identified at least 16 similar cases where the same perpetrators, the same experts, were repeating themselves, the same judges, the same officialsusing the same modus operandi, which he believes was led by his ex-wife’s lawyer, Ana Katiriya Suarez.


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