Don’t disturb Emraan Hashmi. The actor is currently spending quality time with his wife Parveen Shahani and their son Ayaan. The actress has shared a bunch of photos from her vacation album on Instagram. In the first picture, Emraan and Parveen make friends in white posing for a selfie in a car. The following picture is a candid click of the couple. We also get a glimpse of Ayaan. He looks very busy with his phone. Oh, and don’t miss Ayaan enjoying his time during the safari. By swiping left, we see a father-son duo admiring nature. Sharing the album, Emraan wrote: “Great company and great views! The holiday went well.”
A few days ago, Emraan Hashmi dropped a picture from his travel album on Instagram. In the frame, the actor is seen enjoying a delicious slice of pizza. Right next to him, we can spot a sign that reads “You’ll never have abs. Love, pizza.” Lol. After all, when you’re on vacation, cheat days are acceptable. I don’t know about you, but we can relate to Emraan here. Accompanying the photo, she said: “But worth it [pizza emoji.]”
Wait, there’s more. Emraan Hashmi made our hearts skip a beat with his handsome picture. Dressed in an olive T-shirt and cargo pants, the actor is seen posing against a graffiti wall. The sunglasses have accentuated the whole frame. “The world is your canvas,” he wrote in a side note.
Meanwhile, Emraan Hashmi has earned an IIFA nomination in the Best Performance in a Negative Role category for his role in the film Tiger 3. The film also starred Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif.