Governor Alfonso Durazo united Sonora and Arizona by modernizing customs

Regina Pierce

Governor Alfonso Durazo united Sonora and Arizona by modernizing customs

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The eyes of the world are focused Sonorapositions itself as a strategic partner for Arizona with projects such as modernization border customselectric mobility and the use of clean energy that drives Sonora Sustainable Energy Plan, the governor pointed out Alfonso Durazo Montaño and the United States ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, while overseeing progress at the San Luis I Border Port.

The head of the State Executive Agency emphasized that after more than two decades of delays, the Government of Sonora is working on the renovation of the border checkpoint, which will bring development to the region.

“Fortunately, the project on the American side is already underway and we have to simplify our response to match the completion of these facilities with the completion time of the facilities on the American side,” he explained.

Ambassador Ken Salazar assured that with the type of work the entity is doing, such as the modernization of the San Luis Río Colorado checkpoint, the eyes of the world are focused on Sonora.

During a tour of nearby customs, Governor Durazo and Ambassador Salazar witnessed details of the work that will streamline import and export operations.


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