GOPR is also fighting the flood. Rescue teams evacuate people


GOPR is also fighting the flood. Rescue teams evacuate people

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We were sent to the Kłodzko area. There, rescue teams evacuated people from the indicated addresses for many hours. GOPR rescue teams used pontoons, ATVs, off-road vehicles, and in situations where evacuation was not necessary, we provided drinking water and food. There were several hundred interventions. The situation is very dynamic and difficult. Many people are waiting for help – he reported.

All GOPR groups in action

They participate in the rescue operation GOPR First Responders from all groups: Karkonosze, Sudetes, Beskids, Podhale, Krynica, Jurassic and Bieszczady. Mountain rescue teams will spend the next night in Zieleniec at the GOPR station and will resume their activities on Tuesday.

There are also three teams of rescuers trained in rope evacuation techniques via helicopters. For now, however, the weather has hampered helicopter flights. For this reason, the helicopter had to turn around. TOPR stationed in Zakopane.

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