The Google Pixel 9 Pro XL has been taken apart by iFixit. The video below shows the phone’s dual-port design, which allows for repairs from both the screen and the back of the phone.
This means that a cracked screen will be easier to remove than on devices with an access point only on the back, though as the iFixit host shows, you still need to be extra careful with the new Pixel, as the layers of its display tend to separate, automatically destroying the panel.
If you need to replace the battery or another internal component, you can repair it through the back. The biggest downside to the Pixel 9 Pro XL’s case is that the battery is held in place by sliding tabs, making the removal process a real pain. The difficult-to-remove battery and fragile display give the Pixel 9 Pro XL a provisional 5/10 repairability rating.
Watch a full teardown of the Pixel 9 Pro XL: