Good news for drivers. Fuel prices below PLN 6 are getting closer


Good news for drivers. Fuel prices below PLN 6 are getting closer

According to data from the report electronic gasolineThere has been a slight drop in petrol prices in recent days. However, this only applies to this fuel – diesel prices have remained stable at the previous week’s level. This type of stabilization is beneficial for drivers, especially during the holiday season, when increased road traffic is usually associated with higher fuel demand.

Experts point out that despite the ongoing tension in the Middle East, it has not significantly affected the supply and prices of raw materials on the global market. This situation allows for moderate optimism regarding future replenishment costs, especially ahead of the upcoming long weekend in August.

Fuel for PLN 6 or less?

Analysts at e-petrol have prepared a forecast of retail prices for various types of fuel for the coming week. It assumes the following price ranges:

  • 95 octane gasoline: PLN 6.28-6.39/l
  • Diesel: PLN 6.29-6.40/l
  • Autogas: PLN 2.73-2.81/l

The above forecast shows that it will be possible to fill up below the psychological limit of PLN 6 per liter, especially in the case of 95 octane gasoline. However, it is worth remembering that the final price at the stations will depend on the specific location and the available promotions.

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Promotions at gas stations

Many gas stations have special promotions for the holiday season. They can reduce the price of fuel by up to 30-40 cents per liter. However, to take advantage of these discounts, you often have to meet certain conditions, such as having a loyalty card or filling up a certain amount of fuel.

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