Globo and sportv reach 56.5 million people with Brasileirão Feminino

Regina Pierce

Globo and sportv reach 56.5 million people with Brasileirão Feminino

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With the broadcast of the 2024 Brasileirão Feminino, which ended last Sunday (23) with Corinthians winning their sixth championship by beating São Paulo in the final, Globo and sportv reached a total of 56.5 million people.

Behind closed doors, throughout the competition that started in March, sportv offered around 83 hours of live broadcasts to the public and recorded a 20% increase in participation, surpassing the last three editions.

The classic reached 10 viewers and registered a 29% market share in Greater São Paulo on open TV. In Rio de Janeiro, even without representatives on the field, the match generated 8 points of viewers and a 23% share. Data from Kantar Ibope Media.

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