General Kukuła: Thanks to Operation “Szpej”, soldiers will have modern equipment by 2026


General Kukuła: Thanks to Operation “Szpej”, soldiers will have modern equipment by 2026

Kukuła stressed that the project is necessary to achieve full operational readiness of the Polish armed forces.

Operation “Shpei” – the army goes shopping

Operation Shpej was announced in February 2024 and is a project to purchase modern individual equipment for soldiers in bulk. These include items such as insulated jackets for soldiers serving on the borders and equipment that increases survivability on the battlefield.

Replacing obsolete equipment, such as old AKMS rifles or wz.67 steel helmets, with modern weapons and protection systems.

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– “Szpej” is a political project, so we have the direct involvement of (Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Ministry of National Defense Władysław) Kosiniak-Kamysz, Deputy Minister (Cezary) Tomczyk and other deputy ministers. It has become our ambition to complete this project and ensure that each of our soldiers has equipment that not only ensures survivability, but also comfort of operation. This will take some time (…). We need another two years to say that all Polish soldiers are properly equipped, – General Kukuła said, as quoted by PAP. – We would like to finish the “Szpej” operation – to close it, that is, to reach more than 90 percent. effects in all areas – in the next two years, that is, until the end of 2026, we should stop talking about quantitative shortcomings and focus only on topics related to what to improve, change and what other changes should be introduced in the equipment so that it was used even more optimally by our people, he added.

What is the future of the Polish Armed Forces?

Simultaneously with Operation Szpej, work on the development program is underway Armed forces until 2035. This document, although classified, will be preceded by the publication of the so-called Armed Forces Vision, which will present the directions of military development in the context of future conflicts and challenges.

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Among the areas requiring more investment, General Kukuła mentioned electronic warfare and broadly understood droneization.

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