Francis Ford Coppola’s “Megalopolis,” a masterpiece or a flop? Ask our reviewers your questions

Regina Pierce

Francis Ford Coppola’s “Megalopolis,” a masterpiece or a flop? Ask our reviewers your questions

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Hello Gigi,
You have summed up very well the vision of Francis Coppola’s cinema, who dreamed himself at once as a visionary, a businessman and an entertainer, a producer, an experimenter with a tendency towards the magician… In fact, I believe that he was an orphan of the studio system that existed in the classical period: he tried several times to revive this way of production. His vision was always megalomaniac, always a struggle with the elements, whether nature, producers, Hollywoodx… He himself said that making a film consisted of producing chaos and then trying to control it – in short, It’s God!
What I can tell you is that I feel that digital technology may have given him an unexpected level of mastery of the elements. For the first time, he shot the film on a green screen, even a collaborator said: “He obviously didn’t want to make a Marvel movie, but that’s what he ended up doing. »
I invite you to read The Road to Heaven – an epic by Francis Ford Coppolaby Sam Wasson, which has just been translated and published by Carlotta: this is a very interesting and important work on Coppola.

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