Flood 2024. Free legal aid from the Ministry of Justice for flood victims

Regina Pierce

Flood 2024. Free legal aid from the Ministry of Justice for flood victims

Due to the ongoing flooding in the country, the Ministry of Justice reminds about the free legal aid points operating under the ministry’s program throughout Poland – also in flooded areas. Free legal aid is provided to anyone who cannot afford it themselves.

“Free legal aid and citizen counseling points, operating under a program funded by the Ministry of Justice, also provide assistance to flood-affected communities,” the Ministry of Justice press release said.

Cleaning up after the flood in Lądek-Zdrój

Flood 2024. Ministry of Justice reminds about legal aid points

Free legal aid is available to individuals and sole proprietorships. The ministry is planning to amend the regulations so that every resident in the flooded areas can benefit from the aid without any restrictions.

The Ministry reminds that lawyers at legal aid points will inform customers about their rights, obligations and legal options (also related to flood damage), and will also provide support in filling out the forms and forms necessary to obtain the support offered to flood victims.

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