Firefighters extinguish forest fires in three cities in Bahia state

Victor Boolen

Firefighters extinguish forest fires in three cities in Bahia state

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Fire brigades fight forest fires in Bahia –

On Saturday the 28th of this month, military fire brigades operating in Operation Forest 2024 extinguished fires in the cities of Luis Eduardo Magalhães, Guanambi and Cocos. Other garrisons continue to fight forest fires in the municipalities of Barreras, Puritirama, Riachão das Neves, Formosa do Rio Preto, Belao Arcado, Señor do Bonfim, Juazeiro, Malhada and Jaborande.

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Currently, approximately 215 military firefighters assigned exclusively to the service provided are working at forest bases, 573 fires have already been fought, 1,322 preventive orders have been implemented and service has been provided to 72 municipalities.

Image caption Firefighters extinguish forest fires in three cities in the state of Bahia

| Image: Disclosure

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