Celebrating 23 years, the Bahia State Research Support Foundation (Fapesb), a body linked to the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti), announces the launch of three new notices: Incite 2, Tecnova 3 and Public Policy Assessment, which, together, total an investment of R$58.3 million. The notices are available on the Foundation’s website and interested parties can now access them to plan the application deadlines and submission of forms.
Most of the resources of the open notice are allocated to Incite 2, whose investment is the largest in the history of Fapesb: R$43 million. With these resources, Fapesb will support the creation of 21 new Institutes of Science and Technology (Incite) in Bahia. The objective is to encourage the occupation of strategic positions in the State, Regional and National System of Science, Technology and Innovation, through the creation of inter-institutional and interdisciplinary scientific and technological collaboration networks.
Incites are generally formed by multidisciplinary teams consisting of researchers, professors, graduate students, managers, innovation professionals, etc. These institutions promote progress in various fields of knowledge and play a key role in stimulating innovation and scientific and technological development in the state. They may be linked to universities, research centers or public or private entities.
The General Director of Fapesb, Handerson Leite, highlighted that Incites produces high-quality research with results relevant to Bahia. “They aim to develop knowledge through basic research, when necessary, to train people and transfer knowledge, technology and innovation to society and the public and private sectors”, he said. “They not only generate innovation, but also act as a bridge between academia and the various social actors, promoting the application of knowledge for the benefit of society and contributing to increasing income and competitiveness in our country.”
Director General of Fapesb, Handerson Leite
In the Incite 2 notice, each submitted project will be able to claim an amount of up to R$2 million, which must be distributed to infrastructure, research support and Technological Innovation Centers (NITs).
Researchers must present scientific, technological and/or innovation research projects focused on three thematic axes: social, technological and sustainable development, in line with the development policies of the State of Bahia, coordinated by the Secretary of the Civil House, Afonso Florense. The strategic areas covered in this notice are Climate Change, Circular Economy, Basic Education, Public Security, Artificial Intelligence and Bioeconomy.
Another notice launched is Tecnova 3 which encourages the development, acceleration and internationalization of innovative products or services from micro, small and medium-sized companies in Bahia. The amount requested in the proposal as an economic subsidy, which is a non-refundable amount, reaches R$535 thousand. Tecnova is partnering with Studies and Projects Financier (Finep), which is linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI).
Resources of R$ 13.4 million will be allocated to support the proposals approved in this notice, with R$ 10.7 million coming from the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT/Finep) and R$ 2.7 million from Fapesb. Of this total, R$ 10 million will be allocated for the development of innovative products or processes, up to R$ 2.5 million for acceleration and up to R$ 900 thousand for the internationalization of companies included at the end of the selection process.
Six themes guide the way for anyone interested in participating in the event: Information Technology, Agro-Industry and Sustainable Agriculture, Health and Biotechnology, Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0, Clean Energy and Sustainability, and Tourism. It is estimated that 25 proposals selected in this notice can be accelerated, with the resulting innovations integrated into external markets, generating jobs and revenues in the state.
For Ana Czeresnia, manager of the Technological Development and Decentralized Subsidies Department at Finep, the partnership with the Bahian government, through Fapesb, demonstrates a shared commitment to strengthening science, technology and innovation in the state. “This partnership highlights the importance of state-federal cooperation, creating opportunities for researchers and innovators in Bahia, and enhancing the development of technological solutions that meet regional demand.”
According to Czeresnia, the alignment between Finep and Fapesb also broadens access to innovation financing, allowing local initiatives to contribute to the advancement of strategic sectors of the economy, boosting competitiveness and sustainable development in Bahia. “This collaboration is an example of how the integration of public policies can yield significant results in supporting innovation across the country, enabling the growth of regional innovation ecosystems and stimulating the emergence of new technological ventures,” he added.
The Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, André Joazeiro, highlighted the state government’s commitment to promoting financing for innovation in companies and the importance of the partnership with Finep and Fapesb. “We signed an ACT with Finep for the implementation of a Project Office in Bahia, with the aim of providing technical support to researchers and companies in the preparation of their fundraising projects, qualifying proposals and increasing the chances of success of claims. This is a priority action for the department, for the governor Jerônimo Rodrigues”.
Youth, science and technology
The Public Policy Assessment Notice is one of the novelties among the calls launched, as it aims to know the results of the policies implemented by the government in recent years, especially in the areas of youth and science and technology. Around R$2 million will be made available for this study.
Each proposed project may request funding of up to R$150,000, allowing proposals to develop research and initiatives that contribute to understanding the results of the various public policies implemented by the government, such as, for example, scholarship policies, economic subsidies for innovation and financing of research structures.
The aim of these funded projects is to provide a scientific database so that the government can monitor and improve its public policies, making them more effective and in line with the needs of society and the economic development of the Country, directed through new notices, up to 12 thematic axes.
The theme “Public Policy for Youth in the State of Bahia”, which is one of the axes discussed in the notice, shows, among other things, an analysis of the results achieved during the 17 years of public youth policy in the state of Bahia, linked to its benefits.
For the coordinator of Youth Policy in Bahia (Cojuve), Nivaldo Millet, this announcement is very important because it proposes to delve into the history of Public Youth Policy in the State.
“Now, researchers have the task of bringing this history to life, evaluating its impact on the lives of Bahia’s young generations, as well as its benefits, and also proposing monitoring indicators and possibilities to improve the State’s action on policies and programs”, he highlights.