Electricity prices in 2025. Is it worth continuing to freeze them?


Electricity prices in 2025. Is it worth continuing to freeze them?

Without a price freeze, we will pay more for electricity next year. Although wholesale prices are falling, the President of the Energy Regulatory Office cannot reduce tariffs, because it would harm energy companies.

At the end of June, the Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Office approved tariffs for households at PLN 622.80/MWh. Since July, they have been paying a frozen rate of PLN 500/MWh, with the government returning the difference to companies as compensation. These rules will apply until the end of this year and the tariff will be in force throughout 2025. However, Climate and Environment Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska recently said that the government should consider freezing prices for next year.

Why? The situation on the energy markets is stabilising and it is on this basis that the Chairman of the Energy Regulatory Board approves tariffs. Technically, he has the right to revise them, for example, at the end of the year, taking into account favourable conditions. However, according to commentators, such a scenario is unlikely because it would affect the revenues of the largest state-owned energy companies, which have recently gone through a more difficult period. It is in their interest to keep tariffs unchanged for the next year, despite the fall in wholesale prices.

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