In March, Duchess Kate revealed that she had cancer. – I focus on the things that help me heal: my mind, body and spirit. – said Prince William’s wife. The Duchess underwent treatment and this was her priority. She has withdrawn from official duties. However, she is slowly returning. Duchess Kate She has appeared twice at official events. First, she took part in the birthday parade of King Charles III, and later in the Wimbledon final. Now she has shown herself again to the whole world in a video posted on social media.
Duchess Kate and Prince William in new recording
A recording appeared on Princess Kate and Prince William’s Instagram profile in which they congratulated their compatriots for participating in the Olympic Games. – Congratulations to the entire UK team – said Duchess Kate smiling. – Bravo for everything you have achieved. You are an inspiration to us all. – added Prince William. They also appeared in the recording David Beckham and Snoop Dogg.
A changed Prince William
The video was full of comments. “It’s so good to see Duchess Kate”, “Princess Kate looks so happy” – we read. There were also mentions of the topic Prince William’s changed appearance, who appeared with facial hair. “Prince William with stubble. Wow,” “William – grow that beard,” they wrote.
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