Actress Devoleena Bhattacharjee has delighted her fans with a happy news. The 38-year-old TV star took to Instagram to post a series of pictures from the traditional ‘Panchamrit’ ritual and announced that she is expecting her first child with husband Shanwaz Shaikh. The photo series beautifully captured the essence of the ritual and the couple’s happiness as they prepared to welcome their new family member. In one photo, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, who has a significant Instagram following of 3.2 million, is seen elegantly dressed in an emerald green saree. She is sitting on the sofa and holding a baby outfit with the message “You can stop asking now” written on it. She completes her ensemble with gold jewelry. Shanwaz can also be seen sitting next to her. She holds their pet dog in her arms.
In other pictures, Devoleena poses with her family and close friends. In the photo, everyone can be seen happily offering their blessings to the soon-to-be parents, creating a heartwarming scene filled with love and support.
The caption of Devoleena’s post reads, “Celebrating the divine journey to motherhood with the sacred ritual of Panchamrit, where tradition and love blend to bless a mother and her unborn child with health, prosperity and joy during this beautiful period of life. #panchamrit #mytribe #people #pianvanhemmat #äiti #isätuttava #blessed #gratitude #ganpatibappamorya #prayers”.
Soon after she posted the pictures and announced her pregnancy, the comment section of the Saath Nibhaana Saathiya actress was flooded with messages of congratulations and blessings.
Devoleena debuted as an actress in 2011 in the series Sawaare Sabke Sapne Preeto. She gained wide recognition for her role as Gopi Modi in the long running TV serial Saath Nibhaana Saathiya. He has also appeared in television programs Laal Ishq, Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2and For Dil Diyaan Galla. She is currently playing Goddess Chhathi Maiyya in the show Chhathi Maiyya Ki Bitiyawhich will be shown in Sun Neo. She married Shanwaz Shaikh in December 2022.
In addition to his acting career, he has appeared in several reality TV series Big Bossincluding seasons 13, 14 and 15.