Death of Jerzy Krzanowski. Prosecutor’s Office on the autopsy results


Death of Jerzy Krzanowski. Prosecutor’s Office on the autopsy results

The Krosno District Prosecutor’s Office has issued a statement on the death of businessman Jerzy Krzanowski, whose body was found in early June near Krościenko Wyżne in Podkarpacie. “Experts concluded that Jerzy Krzanowski’s death was due to multiple organ injuries to the head and chest, which could have been caused by a fall,” said Marta Kolendowska-Matejczuk, spokeswoman for the Krosno prosecutor’s office.

The Krosno District Prosecutor’s Office reported that On August 8, she received report of the forensic medical examination and autopsy of Jerzy Krzanowski and the opinion of experts in the field of forensic medicine from the Department and Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

Experts concluded that Jerzy Krzanowski’s death was due to multiple organ injuries to the head and chest, which could have resulted from a fall. – she said Marta Kolendowska-Matejczuk, spokesperson for the Krosno Public Prosecutor’s Office.

Researchers they asked experts to complement their opinions on topics related to Krzanowski’s medical documentation. When this happens, they will provide more information on the matter.

Back in June, Krosno Deputy District Attorney Tomasz Lorenz told RMF FM that most likely third parties did not contribute to the businessman’s death.

Nowy Styl issued a statement on the death of Jerzy Krzanowski

Jerzy Krzanowski was the co-founder of Krosno’s company Nowy Styl, which is one of the largest office furniture manufacturers in Europe. He founded the company with his brother Adam.

In 2016, Krzanowski was charged with corruption. Patrycja Z., former vice president of the Industrial Development Agency SA, and four others were arrested with him. Krzanowski pleaded not guilty to the charges against him and said he was innocent.

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