Vicente Datena, middle son Jose Luis Datenatalking during journalism On Screen Urgentfrom TV Meio Norte, about the chair that presenter Band gave to Pablo Marçal in the TV Cultura debate. The veteran heir called his former coach to fight.
“He got hit by a chair, right? The brat said: ‘oh, wow… my ribs are broken. I don’t fight old people’. If you don’t want to fight old people, you’ll get beaten, I’m here in Goiás, I’m Datena too. I’m over forty, but I’m still cool”, said the TV presenter Meio Norte.
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He stated that he even practiced boxing in the morning thinking about the mayoral candidate of São Paulo, who had made many insults against him. Jose Luis Datena in the debate. “Son. If you want someone younger, we are available. Today I even did boxing thinking about you, my friend. If you want, we are here. You already know my address, just call”, reported the heir.
Vicente Datena said that Pablo Marçal was a “son of a bitch” and criticized the former coach’s attitude in the debate, saying that the candidate tried to promote himself in his electoral program instead of discussing proposals for the city of São Paulo.
Putra Datena is a former drug user
“He’s a beautiful idiot, a clown and he’s holding a debate that should be serious, especially in the biggest city in Brazil, where you have to discuss serious things and that guy wants to create a circus to be able to promote himself,” said the host.
Journalist and news anchor On Screen UrgentVicente Datena is known to have been a drug user several years ago. His victory story is glorified by himself Jose Luis Datenawhich reminds the heirs of their path whenever possible.
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