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Captain S04: “Don’t think we train too little”


Schalke captain Kenan Karaman did not blame coach Karel Geraerts for being criticized after the 5-3 defeat to Darmstadt 98. “I knew the coach questions would come, but I think the coach prepared us well for the game,” Karaman said. “I think you saw that in the first half. We implemented a lot of the things he gave us.”

Schalke initially led 3-0, but then spectacularly surrendered. “We completely wasted the second half,” Karaman said. At halftime, the score was 3-1.

The 30-year-old forward does not attribute his fitness issues to poor training. “I don’t think we trained too little,” Karaman said. “Our training sessions were very intense. Maybe that had something to do with our mindset that we then conceded and then mentally dropped off.” Schalke have just four points after six games in the 2. Bundesliga.

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